Been down to Lake Pueblo State Park several times this winter and spring. They have been upgrading the electrical campgrounds so there was no electricity available. Rocky and I had to boon-dock it, but we do just fine. Wait for some milder weather, and we can heat with my Little Buddy propane heater, and we can recharge our batteries every day with my 100 Watt, portable solar panel. Sure nice to have electricity in the winter, though, as the little electric cube heater does a nice job, and nice to have better lights with those long winter nights.
We've seen all the usual suspects down at Lake Pueblo - curved-bill thrashers, canyon towhees, Townsend's solitaire, and a few others. This last trip we camped under a thrasher's favorite tree so we enjoyed his bright, mockingbird-like song most the day. Nice to wake up to, as well. The thrashers and towhees hang around camp looking for crumbs. I've even seen both fly into the camper looking for goodies if I left the screen door open.
Got a few shots from around town here to include, too. Had either a Cooper's or sharp-shinned hawk at the pond earlier in the winter. It was a nice day and I had the waterfalls running when I looked out the window and saw a larger bird fly down to the pond. Ran to get the cameras, but it was gone when I got back. But, it came back and I managed to get a shot or two. The pond attracts quite a variety of birds. Makes the pond even more enjoyable. All of my fish survived the winter, even the one native born here managed to grow up and not get eaten by the adults.
Curved-bill thrasher singing so bright on an April morning at Lake Pueblo. |
Curved-bill thrasher at Lake Pueblo |
Curved-bill thrasher doing some grooming. |
Rocky and I were out walking around near-by Standley Lake earlier this spring when we spied a large coyote walking down the road. He was a pretty big one and didn't seem to mind us at all. There are a couple other misc. shots I'll include and describe them in the captions.
Either a Cooper's hawk or sharp-shinned hawk at the pond. |
Looked up one afternoon this last fall and saw this great horned owl sitting up in the neighbor's maple tree watching us. |
A fluffed up canyon towhee on a chilly morning at Lake Pueblo. |
Large coyote at Standley Lake park. |
Pair of green-winged teal on Clear Creek in Wheat Ridge |
One of our camps at Lake Pueblo. Note the solar panel to the left of the truck. |
King fisher along Clear Creek in Wheat Ridge. |
Townsend's solitaire at Lake Pueblo |